Frequently Asked Questions

For more detailed information on results & data, see our Results Interpretation Guide.

Is Plasmidsaurus the same as other sequencing companies I have used?
Plasmidsaurus sequencing is a new type of overnight DNA sequencing intended to replace traditional Sanger sequencing for routine plasmid verification. We use long-read sequencing technology that provides the following benefits over Sanger sequencing:
  • Whole-plasmid and long PCR product sequences from a single run, as compared to ~750 bp traditional reads
  • No requirement for primers
  • No issues with GC-rich or repetitive DNA
  • Low sample mass requirements
  • Fast turn-around time
  • Results include information about plasmid purity

What types of samples can you sequence? How much DNA do I need?
We sequence plasmids, linear/PCR samples, bacterial genomes, and custom projects by request. Prices start at $15 per sample. A full list of sample types, prices, and DNA input requirements can be viewed on your Dashboard.

What is your turnaround time for returning sequencing results?
Results for plasmids and linear/PCR samples are returned by the next morning. Results for bacterial genomes and custom sequencing are returned within 1-10 business days, depending on how many additional options (such as extraction and/or hybrid sequencing) are added.

What are the limitations to your sequencing methods?
Our results are generally of higher accuracy than Sanger results. The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore sequencing are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially those longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with ongoing updates to sequencing chemistry and basecalling software.

How do I submit my samples?
Brief sample prep and submission instructions are provided during order submission.

Label the caps or sides of your strip tube with sample number. Also write the first 2 digits of your order ID on the 1st tube of each strip.

Place your samples into a small bag with a printed copy of your order confirmation sheet, QR code facing out, then place the bag into a local dropbox or ship directly to us using a free or subsidized shipping label.

For more detailed sample prep instructions, see the Service Page for each sample type:

Can you sequence my mixture of different DNA products?
Our plasmid, linear/PCR, ZeroPrep, and bacterial genome services are intended for a clonal population of molecules, therefore the target output is a single consensus sequence. You can send mixtures of molecular species at your own risk. We will return a single consensus sequences for the molecular species that produces the largest amounts of total sequencing data. If you’d like to sequence a known mixture (e.g. barcode or variant libraries), please submit instead to our Custom Sequencing Service or Premium PCR service.

What is the difference between Standard and Premium PCR?

How do I cancel my order?
Please sign in, navigate to your Dashboard via the top menu bar, scroll down to the “Order History” section, and click the red “X” button to cancel an order (note this option will only be available before your samples are received).

What payment methods do you accept?
We accept payments by credit card and by Purchase Order (PO). You can also use credit card or PO to purchase dinocoins (pre-paid credits) to use toward any future sequencing orders.

How can I get a quote?
Please sign in and click the “Quote” button on the top menu bar.

What format do you use to report the data?
We return consensus sequence results and annotations in GenBank (.gbk) and FASTA (.fasta) format, and raw data by request in FASTQ (.fastq.gz) format. We also provide analysis of your results in various file formats including interactive plasmid maps (.html), chromatograms (.ab1), read length histograms (.png), virtual gels (.png), coverage plots (.png), and per-base data (.txt and .tsv).

For more detailed information on results & data, see our Results Interpretation Guide.

How do I download my data?
You will be notified via email when your results are ready for download. Please sign in, navigate to your Dashboard via the top menu bar, scroll down to the “Order History” section, and click the “Download” button (note this button will only appear once results are available).

What is your policy when sequencing samples fail?
It is relatively rare that we cannot return a consensus sequence, but some rate of failure is unavoidable. You are welcome to submit a rerun request for any failed sample through your Order Info page. We will evaluate whether your sample quality and quantity permits rerunning your sample (we may also ask you to provide a reference sequence).

How can I find Plasmidsaurus in my vendor database?
SNPsaurus LLC and Primordium Labs Inc have merged and are now operating as Plasmidsaurus Inc. We will be reaching out to purchasing and accounts departments to update our vendor details. Please continue to use your current purchase orders but expect to see Plasmidsaurus Inc available as a vendor in the near future. For any inquiries related to vendor setup, please contact us at You can access Plasmidsaurus Inc's W-9 here.

What are my payment options?
You have several payment methods available:
  • Credit Card: Direct payment at the time of order.
  • Purchase order (PO): You can enter the PO number when you order.
  • Payment Link: Convenient for quick order submission with a credit card payment link sent directly to your purchasing officer.
  • Dinocoins: These are prepaid sequencing credits that you can purchase at any time for later use. They are added to your account and can be utilized by an individual or shared among a lab group. The balance of Dinocoins is always visible in your account. Buy 1,500+ Dinocoins to get 5% extra bonus Dincoins, or 10,000+ Dinocoins to get 10% extra bonus Dinocoins.
The most convenient purchase options are Dinocoins and blanket POs (also known as standing POs). These allow you and your lab members to share the same PO or pool of Dinocoins without the need for a new quote or PO each time an order is placed.

How do I receive an invoice?
  • Using a Purchase Order: We invoice monthly and send out invoices at the beginning of each month for transactions from the previous month. If you require a different invoicing schedule, please contact us at
  • Paying by Credit Card: You will receive a transaction receipt via email. Additionally, you can access and print both the invoice and the receipt from the "Order Information" page.
  • Paying via Payment Link: A receipt will be emailed to the address provided during the payment process. You can also access and print both invoices and receipts from the "Order Information" pages.

How do I purchase Dinocoins?
  • Log in to your account, navigate to your Dashboard, scroll to the bottom of the service table, and select “Dinocoins.”
  • Select your method of payment for the purchase of dinocoins:
    • Credit card payment: Direct payment at the time of order. You will be directed to a secure portal.
    • Payment link: You will receive a secure credit card payment link in your email.
    • PO (Purchase Order) Number: You can enter a PO number when you order. If you are using a new PO that is not already in our system, please also email your PO documentation to our Finance Team at
  • Upon order submission, you will receive a 6-digit code that confirms your dinocoin purchase.
  • You should immediately see your dinocoin balance listed at the top of your Dashboard.

Where do I find my Dinocoin balance?
You can find your Dinocoin balance by clicking on your name on the right side of the menu bar. Your balance can be viewed under Payment Methods - Dinocoins.

How do I ship my samples internationally?
If you are shipping your samples directly (not using a dropbox) from outside the US to one of our US locations, you will need the following documents:
Commercial Shipping Invoice (Download Template)
Detailed Description (Download Template)
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Certificate (Download Template)

If you are shipping your samples directly (not using a dropbox) from outside the UK to our UK location, you will need the following forms:
Commercial Shipping Invoice (Download Template)
Detailed Description UK (Customs description UK download)

If your shipping company of choice requests any additional information or recommends any additional forms, we advise following their guidance as their systems will have the most up-to-date customs information.

How should I cite Plasmidsaurus sequencing services in publication?
For proper citation, we recommend the following phrase: “[Type of Service] was performed by Plasmidsaurus using Oxford Nanopore Technology with custom analysis and annotation.” Please change [Type of Service] accordingly to Whole Plasmid Sequencing, Linear/PCR Sequencing, Premium PCR Sequencing, ZeroPrep Sequencing, RCA Sequencing, Bacterial Genome Sequencing, or Custom Sequencing.

I have a suggestion about how you can improve this service. Who can I contact?
Our goal is to accelerate progress in biological research and we welcome any suggestions about how to improve our service. Please contact with any suggestions or comments.